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Birrificio Baladin

Birrificio Baladin

In the middle of the Langhe area was born this brewpub for the degustation of the beers.

Birrificio Baladin was founded in 1996 in Piozzo, a small village in the hills of the Langhe in the province of Cuneo. It comes from the passion of Teo Musso and his partner Nora for this drink, so much so that they decide to open the brewpub in a courtyard and under a circus tent to which they give the name "Baladin" (storyteller in French).

Over the years Teo has become increasingly close to the world of beer thanks to the numerous trips and collaborations he has developed with small breweries in Belgium. He studied new techniques and developed new machinery which he then installed in Piozzo in 1996, when he began to produce. From that year the success multiplied, until 2005, when Carlsberg gave him the prestigious "semper Ardens awards for beer culture" award that the multinational awards to a character who has been able to contribute to the development of beer culture in the world.

Since 2012 the Baladin Brewery has become an agricultural brewery with the aim of taking responsibility for the entire production cycle of beers, starting from the land and the raw materials that are generated from it. The ultimate goal is to fully support this cycle, producing not only wealth but also ethical values.